************************************************************ To install Slabacus v1.1 (Slide Rule and Abacus Simulation): ************************************************************ 1. Copy the slabacus.zip file to a temporary directory... (e.g. COPY A:\SLABACUS.ZIP C:\TEMP) 2. Unzip the compressed slabacus.zip distribution file... (e.g. PKUNZIP C:\TEMP\SLABACUS.ZIP) 3. Start up Microsoft Windows 3.1 or higher... 4. Run the C:\TEMP\SETUP.EXE program... 5. The following programs will be installed on your system... C:\SLABACUS\SLIDE.EXE C:\SLABACUS\SLIDE.HLP C:\SLABACUS\ABACUS.EXE C:\SLABACUS\ABACUS.HLP C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VSHARE.386 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VER.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STKIT416.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VB40016.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OC25.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\CTL3DV2.DLL C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VAEN21.OLB C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMDLG16.OCX (You may delete all the files in the C:\TEMP directory at this time.) 6. Click on the Slide Rule Icon to run the slide rule! Click on the Abacus Icon to run the abacus! ********************************** Limited Warranty and Legal Issues: ********************************** Slabacus v1.1 is contributed "as is" to the public domain. The programs, including companion data and documentation files, are distributed entirely and exclusively as freeware. As such, they are not intended for sale, resale, purchase, or for-profit distribution in shareware, retail, or direct-mail markets. Users are free to install and run the programs on any system or systems they wish (subject only to the programs hardware requirements). Users are also free to copy and distribute the original files in any manner and via any means available to them. Users are asked to distribute only the original files (preferably in their original compressed ZIP format). When so distributed, it is the distributor's responsibility to ensure that the program files have been kept in their original state and format, and have not been altered, edited, patched, disassembled, decompiled, or recompiled in any way. The programmer makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this software. In no event will the programmer be liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use of this software. ******************************** Copyright 1996 by David A. Brown ********************************